“The Weight Of Perfection” Young Olympic gymnast Ellen finds herself entangled in Coach Amanda’s unresolved web of psychological damage and a dangerous game with fire begins.
Starring- Leanne Melissa Bishop, Hayden Hishaw, Anabelle Munro, Kelly Perine, Wyatt Oleff, and Merit Leighton. Producer/Exec. Producer- Jennifer Oleff, Directed by- Anabelle Munro and Leanne Melissa Bishop
This POC highlights how important the arts are for us as storytellers to express our inner demons. The Weight Of Perfection is currently garnering critical acclaim on the film festival circuit for its cinematic flair winning 10 “Best Short” awards. With this genuinely moving character driven piece acted beautifully by our award winning cast who have now received 5 best actress awards. Our entire crew has been decorated with accolades, from best art direction to best directors and producers. This is the first step in our journey to create stories that tell our collective experiences and our recovery from disorderd eating. Together the team is proud to invite you to understand the complexity of the fall into an ED and what a long term battle with this illness can look like.